Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Hey Fairbanks it is time to look to Alaska's largest mountain for your next state representative


Kevin McKinley a tattoo artist who has been know to promote the art of ink on peoples bodies in Alaska.  He know wants to provide common sense thinking in the Alaska Legislature.  He has a great chance to take the seat Adam Wool has vacated to run for congress.  Truth is Adam is about to retire from political office.  He was just eliminated from the Alaska Special Election for Congress.  He is expected to eliminated again in two month during the August 16th primary again.  His major obstacle is Ashley Carrick she was handpicked by Adam Wool to succeed him.  Just remember Kevin will fight for you Fairbanks and will not tax you like other Fairbanks representatives. He supports a full Permanent Fund Dividend not just get a portion of a dividend.  

Vote for Kevin McKinley on August 16th primary he will represent Fairbanks better than anyone else for the Alaska State Legislature.