Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Croft Taxicab Deregulation Ordinance RIP

Yesterday, April 9, 2018 Anchorage Assembly voted 9-0 against the Croft Deregulation Ordinance.  Croft and Dyson were about during voting and did not vote when this came up in the assembly.  Most people testified against the ordinance.  David O'Malley mentioned the Transportation Inspectors Office and the Anchorage Transportation Commission if you eliminate then you save over 620 thousand a year.  Suzanne LaFrance give him some truth serum he did not appreciate which is the office is self supporting through fees. Until we change a wording from shall to may and get to Juneau to allow the state to regulate Uber and Lyft.  We need to limit it one permit a year instead of the automatic 10 taxi permits each year which is done by ordinance. 

Dunleavy still standing tall for the people of Alaska

As Marshall Dunleavy has mentioned recently to the Outlaw Alaska House Majority lead by the criminal bandit Edgmon along with his deputies Ledoux, Tarr and Tuck.  No deal on budget without constitution amendments to protect the PFD. People applied for a full PFD not a portion.  Marshall Dunleavy standing firm in the Juneau corral.