Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Washington State Residents will face new fees and taxes in the next coming year

With the recent election this November of Manka Dhingra as state senator of the 45th legislative district located on the Seattle's Eastside region covering Kirkland, Woodinville, Redmond and Duvall.  This will give Democrat control of both chamber of the legislature since 2012.  What is in Washington state economic future if this agenda goes through.  Many business will move out of Washington State due to a pending income tax.  The carbon tax will make this situation worse.  Washington will be Oregon and California where the only the super rich can afford to live.  Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon will still have more vibrant economy since land will be cheap to buy.  Expect a population to boom in places like Ontario, Spokane and Tri-Cities area due to have inexpensive lands.  Tech companies will locate to place like Kennewick and Wenatchee due to more business friendly environments.  Issaquah will still be business hub of Western Washington despite the recent mayoral election there.  They are what Wasilla in Alaska will eventually become.  I say get your U-Hal trucks start heading to Idaho because Washington State will be too expensive.