Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bill Walker will not be reelected in a second term as Alaska governor

Due to the policies of recent governor has taken.  Whether he runs as a Independent or a Republican or a Democrat.  He will not be reelected another term.  If the Republican candidate is Dunleavy and the Democrat candidate is Bill Wielechowski they will out perform him.  If he chooses one of the major parties he will lose the nomination like Frank Murkowski did in 2006 to Sarah Palin.  The main reason he will lose reelection is policy to take your dividend.  As a current assemblywoman Amy Demboski said recently in an assembly meeting we have a leadership problem.  Many Alaskans who supported you in 2014 will not support you due to this decision.  I predicted in 2015 you would support an income tax it is two years later I was right.  Bill Walker will be a one term governor.  December 2018 Alaskans will have a new governor.