Thursday, May 19, 2022

It is a gay world after all says Disney Studios

 The Walt Disney Company founded by a cartoonist Walt Disney 99 years old in Los Angeles.  The first animated character was Mickey Mouse who was introduced in drawings as Mortimer Mouse.  Walt renamed him Mickey.  Now Disney has decided to no longer provide programming that the founder Walt Disney preached when he found the company which was to provide quality children's entertainment that is family friendly.  This actually started when Disney purchased ABC a major television network in 1996 which they still own today.  Remember this network cancelled Last Man Standing because Tim Allen is a conservative which FOX Network picked up and cancelled the reboot of Rosanne decided to kill her character after she tweeted her feelings about Valerie Jarrett who was an aide during the Obama administration.  They decided to create the Conners with the same producers which by the way is an awesome show.  Now to be politically corrected the famous song a small world after all now we have the modern version it is a gay world after all.  


It's a small world after all written by the Disney in 1964 during the New York City Worlds fair to show world unity.  

Now we enter 2021 Disney has decided that being politically correct is better than provide quality children's entertainment by day so has Nickelodeon another children's entertainment network which is owned by Viacom that owns CBS.  

What Disney and Nickelodeon believe in today.  They rallied against what the liberals called do not say gay bill in Florida.  The Florida legislature responded by taking away the state funded piggy bank to their resorts from having to pay the local counties of Orange and Polk County for their taxes. 

Mental Disturbed woman tells Congress that men can get pregnant


A mentally deranged woman by the name of Aimee Arrambide the executive director of Avow Texas told a House Judiciary committee that men could get pregnant.  First of all in order in for a pretend male to get pregnant they must be born biological female.  Thomas Beatie was actually born female his birth name is Tracy who was born in Bend, Oregon and now lives in Hawaii.  Here are the facts men can only get women pregnant using a penis and women can give birth if they still have uterus, ovaries and vagina.  Thomas still had his female parts that he had a birth born a she.  Fact men can not get pregnant.  


Babies come from here 


                                  Not here


 This organ can not pregnant a woman through sexual intercourse only.  


Just remember fake men can not get pregnant unless they still female reproductive organs they obtained at birth

Mt St Helens errupted 42 years ago

  This article was originally written on May 18, 2015 the date was changed due to adding some more information. 

Sunday, May 18, 1980 at 8:32am this mountain made a statement.  This eruption killed 57 people.  I remember that Sunday morning my little brother Jim and I were watching cartoons then a bulletin came on mentioning this mountain had blown.  My mother said this mountain lost her temper.  Because North Bend was north of the volcano most of the Seattle area escaped from the effects of the volcano.  Sunset came to Eastern Washington and Oregon at 9am this was unusual because usually dark did not happen after 7pm.  Toutle River had flooded.  Many in Lewis County had to evacuated their homes.  Governor Dixie Lee Ray had issued an air quality advisory for the whole state of Washington.  I remember if we did not have our mask on no recess for us just in case there was ash on the ground.  My mother had gotten extra surgical mass from her job at the Cabinet shop where she worked.  She kept some for us and gave some to Joyce's Day Care to put on the kids so they can play outside.  


Here are some pictures of ash fall from that day from Moses Lake and Ritzville a friend gave me 


          Ash over Moses Lake McDonald's

Moses Lake Police car driving in ash covered   streets

    People riding a horse and bicycle with a mask on

People shoveling ash in front of Moses Lake McDonald's

Schuck's Truck traveling on an ash covered roadway


     A homeowner shoveling a roof in Ritzville