Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Could a satantic club be coming to your child's school

Let's see according to the 4th amendment you have the right of freedom of religion and according to the 1st Amendment you have right of freedom of speech.  Concern parents will try to stop these clubs.   Here is the deal either not allow any clubs or allow as many clubs as long they do not commit any criminal activity.  As long as they do not allow human or animal sacrifice as an extra activity.  Schools allow Christian worshiping clubs, Why not Satan worship.  I am not advocating Satan worship.  God does give right of free will even if against the bible.  According to the constitution government actually has no place in education.  When government got involved in education started in the settling in what was called the Northwest Territory this is now known as Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio in 1787. Look at these town you wonder why the school was at the center of town was give these areas a place to learn these citizen could be smart like the Original 13 colonies however the truth it actually was 14 because Vermont was an independent country from 1787-1791 until they decided to join the union.  West Virginia was NW Virginia, Tennessee until 1796 was in North Carolina and Kentucky was in Virginia until 1792.  Mississippi and Alabama except the coast was part of Georgia til 1817 and 1819. The coastline of these states did not join the United States until it purchased Florida from Spain in 1821.  I say let this club as long they make a pledge not do any crazy activity.  They allow Gay Clubs, Transgendered club for Fake females and fake males why not these types of clubs. 

Time to investigate the Clinton Foundation

I understand this foundation was set up with the best intentions. Philanthropy is the best way to give away money people have donate to your cause.  Here is the real question we need to investigate donation to this foundation between 2000 to 2008 if you donate to Hillary Clinton senatorial campaign and donate to foundation do you get special access.  Did foreign countries who contributed to this foundation get special favors such as way for Secretary of State Clinton to make decisions in favor of your nation even if against American interest from 2009-2012.  Then investigate donor to Hillary Clinton for president and donors to this foundation do they get special access to the candidate.  Imagine if Hillary Clinton wins the White House want to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom donate to the Clinton Foundation.  Does anyone remember the White House coffees in 1990's donate to the Democrat National Committee you get to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom.  I hear Bill Clinton may turn that in the First Brothel. 

Could Hillary Clinton's responses to reporters questions give Trump Washington and Oregon in November

Could Hillary Clinton's responses to questions by reporters give Washington and Oregon to Donald Trump.  Washington and Oregon have not went to a Republican since 1984 when Ronald Reagan was president.  We are talking about only 19 electoral votes.  Hillary will outright win Seattle and Portland that is a given.  Remember in 2000 and 2008 George W Bush and John McCain came very close to winning Oregon.  In September 2008 John McCain was in the lead over Barack Obama in September 2008 poll by Seattle station KING 5 News.  In 2004 Washington State came very close to electing Dino Rossi for Governor over Christine Gregiore too bad too many King County voters voted for her.  

Here is something that Hillary needs to know about Washington and Oregon voters they think pretty independently.  Democrats have always counted on Washington and Oregon to cement there victories.  However when Washington and Oregon continue to hear Donald Trump.  These voters also want the truth and do not support Trans-Pacific Partnership. Both of these states supported Bernie Sanders in the caucus not Hillary Clinton.  Remember Barack Obama did not win in Spokane in 2008 and 2012.  He did not get one Eastern Washington County.  In 2004 John Kerry won the state.  Gregiore only won one county.  Rossi won the other 38 counties in the Governors race.  Spokane did not support Jay Inslee and Gregiore in the state governors races in 2008 and 2012.   

Will the American people vote for Donald Trump out of protest?

Here is an interesting question on November 8th, 2016. Will Donald Trump become president by protest since most of America is tired of hearing the same crap from the Hillary Clinton.  It seems the Washington Post or as G. Gordon Liddy would call it the Washington Bleep during his show in the 1990's.  Washington Post called her a liar on August 1st, 2016.  Will other major newspapers like the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Oregonian, Boston Globe, Philadelphia Inquirer, Cleveland Plain-Dealer and Seattle Times call her a liar.  Could the Donald win in a landslide.