Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Leah Hadfield wins a write in campaign for Roslyn City Council

Leah Hadfield had the better presentation to get enough voters to write in her name for city council.  Here is the truth when current members of the city council voted to overwhelmingly dismantle the cemetery commission.  This brought the residents in arms because so many residents had loved ones buried in the cemetery.  This is the largest cemetery in the Western United States. Roslyn was once a king coal hub at one time had up nearly 5,000 people according to the 1900 Census was at one time the largest city in the county til the 1940's.  Hopefully Roslyn will be happy with new blood on the council. Leah, Jeff Adams and Bethany Spurrier will add some great ideas into the council.  I will be watching to see if the council does a great job help their community.