Monday, June 24, 2013

Seattle city leaders told cab drivers to work and quit complaining

Yes, Taxi reform will soon be coming to the Emerald city.  A week ago last Monday a bunch of cab drivers went to the Seattle City Hall to complain about Uber and Sidecar.  The local officials told the cab drivers to take a shower and get to the work get fares.  It seems that if want to be a cab driver.  You should have to work for it not get it delivered to on a silver platter.  It would be interesting if people want a taxi cab permit can afford one can get one if they follow all the local regulations.  They purchase a car, hire a night driver or day driver.  Have an independent business if you provide great customer service youkeep your customers.  Do not charge more than fare you are allowed by law.  Not be lazy you can make good money in the business.  Excess regulation prohibits great customer service.