Monday, September 23, 2013

We have an ordinance that everyone can get on board here in Anchorage to make taxis and dispatch accountable

Recently on Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 Dick Triani released in a public safety committee meeting an ordinance that will provide better quality for taxis and serve the Anchorage Public better.  Ordinance 2013-109 which the author of this blog Mark Kim Marion made a major contribution former Alaska Yellow Cab dispatcher.  This December 3, 2013 this was passed by the Anchorage Assembly.  It defines a taxi cab.  It will require annual survey of whether they need to be more cabs.  This will be conducted by the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce.  Keeps the Anchorage Transportation Commission oversight necessary for the Anchorage taxi industry to succeed.  There will be more cabs each year.  If the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce tourist are up 20 percent then 20 new permits are needed.  if tourism is down or not an increase no new permits will be needed.  Growth will continue.  Eagle River will representation on commission and the handicap will have a representative.  One of the commissioners must live in the Chugiak and Eagle River area.  Read Spokane Title 10 Section 34 most of the ordinance is in the ordinance.  Customers must ride in the back seat.  Drivers can not communicate on a cell phone unless to dispatch or to emergency authorities when a customer is in the car.  All trips except for Anchorage Airport must be dispatched.  Driver can not refuse a trip unless the customer is a problem to the driver.  Dispatch must document all problems drivers and customers have.  Transportation Inspection must be able to dial into dispatch computer to verify every thing the dispatch has been documented.  Dispatch must dispatch closest cab that fits the criteria of the customerCab driver must carry an infant, toddler and baby seats in the car not an option.  Drivers may only refuse a customer if customer gives driver a rotten attitude, refuses to state destination, had previous problem with customer and does not have fare to pay at the start of destination and must refuse politely and if they feel customer is a threat to driver safety.  If a driver refuses a customer.  They must notify dispatch why they refused and the reason.  Dispatch can not electronically put a cab out of service without approval from the Transportation Inspector.  Dispatcher must take first responder training from the Anchorage Police Department.  Cab driver can not refuse a short trip.  If a cab is dispatch from Muldoon for an short Eagle River trip they have to go get the trip or face the consequences from the Anchorage Transportation Inspector.  Phone number unless customer voluntarily gives it out are not allowed to be given to a cab driver.  If a dispatcher gives out a telephone number to a driver a penalty will occur to the Dispatch company and possibly the dispatcher gave it out against Dispatch company policy.  Dispatcher could be fined and dispatch company could take action against employee if they so choose.  Dispatch companies could do like cab companies in Spokane can choose to contract their call takers with an answering service.  Anchorage example is Sicily's Pizza they answer phones for more than just Sicily's Pizza.  They also answer calls for China Garden and other business in town above their Spenard location.  Cab companies can employ just dispatchers.  Cab drivers will be required to speak English and must pass a geography test.  Dispatchers must also pass a geography test and must undergo First Responder training through the Anchorage Police and Fire Department they must be certified by the Municipality of Anchorage before they are allowed to dispatch.  Vehicles must be inspected and repaired by a reputable dealership like Cal Worthington Ford no recessed vehicle aka junk cabs.  Handicap cabs must serve handicap trips first closest cab will be dispatched and must respond with in less than an hour.  A minimum of one handicap cab must be working at all times at each dispatch company.  Anchorage Charr due to the fact cabs are not required to participate in the off the Road program.  You can not make a cab driver participate in a program.  Since 2008 Regina Doyle removed Alaska Yellow Cab from participation because drivers got to greedy with the program.  The publisher of this blog will unless the Amy Demboski to make sure that this ordinance is performed or the Anchorage public will introduce really competition this is last chance at this 39 year dinosaur.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Spokane's Main Avenue two way proposal would be a rotten idea unless you have Spokane Falls Blvd become a two way as well

Spokane's Main Avenue two way proposal is a rotten idea unless you make Spokane Falls Blvd a two way street as well.  As someone who worked at Spokane Opera House and Convention Center from 1992-1995 as a janitor.  I lived in Spokane from 1991-1998 when I returned to Alaska.  Now I am bring Spokane type of taxi reform to Anchorage.  This would be a traffic nightmare that would increase congestion.  For this to really work you would need to shorten the land the Spokane Public Library stands on.  You would have to move Abraham Lincoln statue across the street.  You would have to create a roundabout at Monroe/Main/Spokane Falls Blvd take some land away from the federal courthouse to make this work.  Best idea leave this street as it now.  Traffic will flow much better.  There was a reason the Spokane planners did this was to make traffic flow faster.  This would increase congestion and actually make it harder to traffic to move in Downtown Spokane.  Now if the Cowles Family would not object to Riverside being a one way street going east in front their newspaper this could work too.  But do not get that started unless you Stacey Cowles coming to city call pretending he is the king and the citizens are the little people.  Since we are the little people of Spokane.  Please tell the Spokane City Council leaves this alone.  Plus we to allow more business at Boots Bakery this proposal will make it harder for Boots to stay in business. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Duck Dynasty needs a Western headquarters of Duck Commander and has a mountain named after Uncle Si

The picture of house I grew up until I was 13 year with Mt Si in my hometown of North Bend in the background.   I took in December of 2012 during my emotional vacation last year to honor my Grandpa Swenson who this blog has actually been named after to honor him but not to offend other family members I call it Personal Stories and Opinions from a Swenson Family Member  which like Willie I was born into this family.  This is partly cloudy behind it typical North Bend weather.

Duck Dynasty time to expand and create a western headquarters in my hometown of North Bend  the city needs the revenue your business would generate.  This city already has a Mountain named after one of your character Uncle Si.  Actually named for a rugged outdoors man who died in 1882 who had a homestead there about the spot where North Bend is located.  This city with its mayor who graduated with my mother Sharon Yakanak.  Ken Hearing would give you guys a tax credit.  You could make T-Shirt putting your face on the Mountain.  North Bend needs the revenue you guys could generated that is why he would give you the tax credit.  Plenty of ducks to hunt no not the natives walking in the rain the city generates except for two months out of the year.  Alpine Lakes Wilderness has plenty of ducks to hunt.  Now Washington State Dictator Jay Inslee would probably declare all ducks an endangered species.  You may soon if you have less than one ounce you might be able to smoke dope while hunting too.  Washington State voters were already They filled their absentee ballot the only way they are allowed to vote in the Social Republic of Washington unless in Scotland then they vote by secure internet connection by computer.  Imagine North Bend, Washington the western home of Duck Commander next to a mountain already named after one of their most famous characters Uncle Si.  Please lobby Duck Dynasty to have the western headquarters of North Bend.  City would be rich they are already benefited from Twin Peaks every comes to Twede's Cafe formerly Mar T Cafe for the most famous pies in the world at the SE corner of State Rte 202 aka Bendigo Blvd aka North Bend Blvd and North Bend Way aka W First Street.  Main is the dividing line between W and E not North Bend Blvd.  Please lobby the North Bend City Council to offer Duck Dynasty and Duck Commander a tax break to have the western headquarters will Uncle Si in charge or at least living here  to a city that has a mountain already named after Uncle Si Robertson.  Please Willie have your uncle move here you still run it remote from your headquarters in West Monroe.  Have your uncle move here we have a mountain with his name on it.

North Bend unofficial most famous resident Uncle Si Robertson he is actually my dad. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Have the Gates Foundation pay all the school districts that want Common Core not US Taxpayers

Starting this school year a lot of school district including Anchorage have adopted this Common Core idea.  This actually came from a lab inside the Microsoft Headquarters at One Microsoft Way in Redmond east of Seattle.  Bill Gates the chief and the major reason the Socialist Republic of Washington's education system is at the bottom of the apple core.  Since he has spent so much money making Common Core aka lets brain wash every American child to that common sense and conservative thinking is a bad way to think. Basically talking about putting RFID chips in school children not a bad idea however this should be done by parents that dissolve back into the skin do not harm child either and some parents do this to track their special needs child through a radio transmitter.  This is also a way to brand people kind of what Hitler did to the Jews during World War II without the nasty experiments. This is mind control this is what we accused the Soviets doing during the Cold War.  I guess we need to raise the next generation of liberals.  What if a child over 10 years of age refuses to have this RFID chip planted do they get denied admission into school if that is here is another article on home schooling I originally wrote on another site on April 3, 2010 put on this site in December 1, 2011  This gives the case for home schooling your children.  Let's didn't Hillary Clinton say it takes a village with Common Core it takes a bureaucracy to raise a child.  If school district want Common Core then go to Microsoft at One Microsoft Way in Redmond ask Bill Gates for the money not the taxpayer.  Sincerely the American taxpayer tired of paying for social program that don't work.  Just the reading, writing, math and real history to our school please. 

Could the Washington Post soon be an online newspaper only?

Recently Seattle mega businessman Jeff Bezos the CEO of Amazon with his own cash decided to recently purchase the Washington Post.  This paper is usually the first in the nation when it comes to breaking US Capitol News why not it is right there.  This paper really got famous in 1973 for breaking the Watergate scandal that eventually got Richard Nixon to resign on August 8, 1974 when the US Senate was about ready to vote on articles of impeachment.  Then Arizona senator mentioned to Richard Nixon that you should resign to protect the powers of the presidency.  When Jeff Bezos recently decided to buy the Washington Post he states he would have no authority over the content of what the newspaper printed.  As long as press is allowed to ask real questions and get the true story then management and ownership needs to bud out the day to day operations.  Now with Jeff Bezos the owner could he make the Washington Post accessible online only like the Hearst papers did 4 years ago to the Seattle PI which was Washington State's oldest newspaper at the time had published since 1863 at the time.  One of the things we talked about in the Library Technician classes at Spokane Falls Community College in the Early 1990's that information will be for those who could adapt to technology and those who are not in the know will no longer have access it to.  Days of reading an old fashion newspaper or a physical book will be history.  I do not believe this will ever be true.  Because people will always want to be comfortable with a good book and will also grab a newspaper go to their local coffee shop.  Could Washington, DC be one of the first metropolis not to have a newspaper available in the bin.  We shall see what Jeff Bezos plans are for Washington's most read newspaper in the city and usually the first newspaper on the scene for national coverage of White House and Congress events.

Portland has won most of the constitution high school competitions. Why it is still socialist not conservative?

Recently today I read in the Oregonian on September 3, 2013 that Portland high school since the constitution contest started back in 1988 has won more competition began.  Here is an interesting question then why do people under 40 which probably out numbers the other residents in the city still elect socialist and communist candidates to high elected office such as mayor and city council.  Portland has elected two socialist one currently named Charles Hales who believes that Portland needs a higher crime rate and the other is was Sam Adams who was gay we will forget that quirk he also refused to evict the Occupy Portland squatters in Downtown Portland with the city commissioners enjoyed keeping homeowners taxes and fees higher than usual.  He did bring two great shows to Portland.  One is called Portlandia which is what the city is really like and Grimm what Portland could become with too much socialist.  Since Portland Schools since 1988 have won more constitutional contest then why has the city not been more like Spokane and Anchorage which actually listen to their residents and really elect people who keep taxes and fees down.  Here is real reason the AARP and people over 40 vote more in election than the younger crowd.  This needs to change time to start voting young people of Portland you start voting you can change this city about 180 make it easier for taxpayers and jobs will come to Portland.  Think how would like to take businesses away from Communist Seattle to the north be the economic engine in the Pacific Northwest once again.  The last time that happened was before 1900. Those under 40 start voting starting in the next election.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thanks LGBT Movement for making Oregon talented businesses have to go underground to perform services

First of all I want to thank the LGBT movement for making all talented Oregon businesses to have to perform services of their trade.  Recently a Gresham based business Sweet Cakes by Melissa refused to bake a cake for a same sex couple due to religious grounds.  They have that right.  Their are other bakeries in the area that would had done the world.  The Socialist Government of Oregon is investigating saying that they broke a socialist act called the Oregon Gender Equality of 2007 when the truth a business has the right not to perform a service due to religious grounds.  They also did not say the couple had a bad attitude the real reason the bakery refused service.  Thanks Oregon for listening to the LGBT lobby and making all talented business have to go underground like Sweet Cakes by Melissa

Why do we not required California Transgendered children to have sex reassignment surgery before using opposite sex bathrooms

Parts of this article is extremely graphic unless you are wanting to have your child have a medical lesson do not have them read parts of this article unless you are having them accepting the gender of their birth.  They are highlighted in red.

 Thanks to court action this law has been temporary blocked and children in California are safe until a court hopefully does not side with these idiots will be allowed to in public school to use the bathroom of their choice.  Let's do like we do with Olympic athletes except for the intersex let the child choose not parent at birth.  If a boy wants to go as a girl then require the male genitalia completely removed yes a complete sex change, depending on age put on estrogen to develop female character of body complete removal of the testes and penis or If a girl wants to be a boy depending on age will require breast augmentation and a small phallus and a complete hysterectomy removal of uterus and ovaries.  May need to have silicon testicles this could be pricey.  Once that is done and you have a doctor and a school nurse check that has been done then opposite bathroom can be used.  They need to physical look like the sex of their desired gender or you have that body first or it could look possibility like legalize child porn.  What if a boy wants to be transgendered just to look at naked girls? If they are really is not transgendered this would make the genetic girls scared that their could be a child pervert in their bathroom.  What if you have a trans girl in the boys bathroom after the age of 8? They did not take their puberty blockers you genetic boys who are curious ask where is your penis and may grab the breast of a female this is rape.  California has made this legal.  Thanks California on January 1, 2014 you have changed your name to PervertiforniaCalifornia residents please go to court to prevent this law from happening and also prevent this from happening to our children.  This is a form of eugenics even if it voluntary eugenics. Some adults become transgendered then wish they had not then it is too late they are sterile for life go back to original gender. 

Example David Reimer who committed suicide in 2004 over his ordeal his due to bad circumcision in 1968 and a doctor's experiment on gender neutrality this was an involuntary sex change then their is Holden Gothia a six year old who's mother in a drug induced habit cut off his and blamed it on the family dog. He will have too take male hormones and eventually get a penis replacement and may have to go out as girl due to having no genitals so other boys do not ask where is yours? Both are completely sterile.  This is the dirtiest blog in the history of Personal Stories and Opinions of a Swenson Family Member sorry to get graphic details in this blog.  I hope to not have to write this type of blog again.