Friday, May 20, 2016

Liberals believe the rights of someone is choice if its agrees with their beliefs

Liberal Democrats only believe a right of someone is a choice if it agrees with their beliefs.  Remember if a transgender female believes they should use the female restroom should be allowed even if it makes the biological female uncomfortable.  They also believe a life inside a womb is not a life even though it has a heart beat.  I guess equal rights are not equal if not fit the agenda the liberals disagree with.  Equal rights a myth. Liberals believe in special rights period. 

Hey Spokane Coeur d'Alene gets its no means no on expanding public transportation

While Spokane Transit attempts to get Spokane voters to vote for a trolley with the help of the Thoughless and Shallow City Council.  While folks 25 miles to the east in Kootenai County have decided when the voters say no to expanded public transportation means no.  Spokane should take a lead from their neighbors to the east.  No means No. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Perot voters were behind the success of Trump winning the Republican nomination

Those that voted for Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996 were responsible for the victory of Donald Trump in the Republican nomination for President.  His appeal to Independents, Conservatives and Democrats have lead to his able to win the Republican nomination.  Ross Perot even endorsed Donald Trump.  Question is whether this will lead to him getting the president will remains to be seen.  Remember the Perot movement has lead to Republicans controlling the house in 1994 and 2010.  Yes the Reform Party was behind the Tea Party.  Actually in 2000, Jesse Ventura tried to get Trump to run on the Reform Party ticket. 

Obama Justice Department belives pedophiles deserve civil rights protection

Recently the Obama Justice have identified a new group that needs civil rights protection that is pedophiles.  Remember it is not the transgender people that want these gender identity ordinance it is the pedophiles that want these ordinances to legalize their criminal activity against children.  Many places need to be like North Carolina and Mississippi passed a law preventing gender identity ordinances this is for the public safety of  children. I guess President Obama does not care about child safety.  I guess when Donald Trump becomes president we can no longer fund this division of the justice department.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States

Here is why Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States.  When it is discovered that he is not influenced by any special interest.  People will start to vote for a man that will save the nation money.  His idea of America first will really get people and he tells the truth.  Hillary and Bernie will not even come close.  Bernie talks about how we need to have a part time economy.  Have great trade deals.  Barack Obama will leave the White House in a car not in Air Force One.  No more private jets.  Hillary be heading to the big house not the White House.  Bubba will be her caretaker.  Let's make America great again elect Trump. 

The Republican party has been Trumped

Republican Party needs to enjoy it has been Trumped.  Donald Trump is the nominee.  I guess Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will face a nightmare.  When Donald starts to reveal how America will be great again.  Hillary needs to explain her emails.  Bernie needs to explain how he wants to triple the national debt.  When we get Donald Trump in the White House expect some serious changes.