Thursday, November 18, 2021

COVID-19 has changed the concept of Black Friday sales nationwide


Since 2020 Black Friday has not been done the tradition that the day after Thanksgiving is the day that stores have sales everywhere.  Places like where I work at Walmart used to require there employees to work on Thanksgiving or face disciplinary action.  Since 2020 these retailers have giving their employees the day off most without pay to spend quality time with their families.  Which I am glad for it means Football watching.  Let me tell you retailers are actually making more money this way instead having to hire private security just for one day.  This is bad for private security companies who bank on retailers because they can charge a higher rate for one day security instead of the 365 day contract that large retailers have as backup security to the stores loss prevention team.  Which I am member of at the Debarr Walmart.  This has been better for customers due to the fact they have been able save money through multiple days instead of just one day.  Shop and if the store requires wear a mask while shopping if do not want then shop online.  Remember these stores are private business your constitutional right not to wear a mask does not exist on private property only public property but do not tell Liberal Democrats this.