Thursday, September 1, 2016

Montana Citizens time to approve recreational marijuana use

Montana I am surprise you guys have yet gotten this law passed yet.  I figured by 2013 or 2014 you would be a state already approved for recreational pot use.  Montana citizens have always been free spirited.  I can not believe you let Colorado and the liberal state of Washington beat you on this issue.  Recently I had read that Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming have the most free masons in the United States.  Some have even defected to other states helped set policy in states they move into.  I helped get Alaska to be able to get recreational marijuana this state was the only state until the first Bush Administration told Alaska you make it illegal or no road funds.  In 1991 Alaskans made it illegal only to approve recreational use in 1998 and 2014 voters approved it overwhelmingly along with Oregon.  I lived in the Spokane area from 1991-1998.  I remember people in Montana were very free spirited just like people in North Idaho and Eastern Washington.  People in Montana time to get the petitions out put it on 2017 or 2018 ballot.  You can be the next state to approve the use of recreational marijuana.