Tuesday, April 30, 2019

New York State needs to toughen their sexual assault laws involving children

People in the Empire State you need to contact Albany and make sure your legislators toughen their sexual assault laws.  You need to make sure that convicted rapist spend a minimum of ten years in jail if the rape involved a juvenile.  Juvenile girls are people too.  This recent case where a former bus driver in Watertown a border town in New York State was just given ten years probation and told to register as a sex offender.  What about the 14 year old juvenile who was raped on a school bus or around him.  First of all they need to require that all children not have contact with the school bus driver unless it is for behavior purposes.  Since he is considered a low risk sex offender his address do not have to be published on the state sex offender website.  Sorry once you violate another person's liberty or rights your say in a sentence no longer applied.  This 14 year old juvenile female will have a problem with forming future relationships may go through a battle of drugs, depression and possible experience suicide.  What you have done to this girl is more than the price you will pay you piece of human waste.  Please contact your legislator and have them toughen up their sexual assault laws especially against children and teenagers.  Juveniles lives matter. 
These lives matter too.