Thursday, August 31, 2017

Alaska Democrat's Ticket for Govenor

Alaska Democractic Central Committee has endorsed  Bill Walker's reelection for governor.  They are not planning on running a serious candidate.  Bill Walker thinks like the Alaska House Majority.  He wants to eliminate the Alaska Permanent Fund,  Alaska statewide sales tax and income tax.  He also wants to continue Obamacare in the state.  To save yourself from four more years of this vote Michael Dunleavy for Governor.  

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Anchorage School High School start times need to move to 5:30am

High School start times in Anchorage need to move to 5:30am.  When the high school kid faces the real world.  The employer chooses the start time.  Early start time produces a great work ethic.  I can tell you moving the start time later does not help the student if they have a part time job.  School students are only allowed to work til 7pm since Alaska employment laws consider school part of the work schedule.  High school students can only work four hours a day.  Put the start time later put activities later if they are involved in sports.  Let's be honest most students do not get more than 5 hours a sleep a night.  Later start times just give students and excuse to stay up later than they should.  Want to help high school students move start times to 5:30am. 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Ride Shares should be regulated just like taxicabs in Anchorage

Ride Shares should be regulated just like taxicabs in Anchorage.  Each ride share vehicle should be required to pay a permit fee just like a taxicab is required to do.  Each permit owner shells any where from $30,000 to $100,000 for their permits.  If we require each ride share car to pay the $1980 that each cab pays every year to renew their permit.  Each ride share driver should be required to a chauffeur training course.  Cab driver except competition you must also follow the same rules as taxicab drivers.  Remember ride shares are also taxis.