Monday, June 14, 2021

Bill Wielechowski refuses to blame his own political party and leaders in the Senate for low Permanent Fund Dividend

Bill Wielechowski rather than blame his own political party and members of the State Senate for not paying the peoples share.  He would rather blame the oil companies for not paying for their fair share.  Remember when this person argued in front of the Alaska State Supreme Court he could not state his case to the judges proving my point failed attorney become politicians.  Remember he also believes that special interest should access the money before you do.  


Here is what his Facebook post said today on June 14, 2021


 Senator Bill Wielechowski government official.

The Conference Committee is done and the legislature will vote on the budget probably on Tuesday. The people will get 35% of the statutory PFD, or $1,100 while the oil companies will get 300% of their discretionary refundable tax credits. The total amount of refundable and deductible oil tax credits is roughly $150 million more than the total amount paid for dividends. Put another way, every Alaskan family of four is giving up nearly $5,000 to the oil industry so they can get their tax credits.
Remember how they said the PFD would be “saved” if we voted to let them keep their tax breaks?

 Time for the truth serum the Permanent Fund Dividend was slashed through a veto by former Alaska Governor Bill Walker.  Since then the Alaska State legislature has decided that the PFD is an appropriation which is how the Supreme Court ruled it was.  The state legislature has refused to fund the statutory PFD which has been the calculation since 1982 until 2015.  Who is real at fault here Bill start looking your own political party, Alaska Republican Party and members of your chamber who do not support a full PFD. 

You have also refused use the argument that in order to increase the tax burden the oil companies pay you need to support a statutory PFD to make this happen.  

Bill instead of pointing fingers at the oil industry you need to start blame members of your chamber as well your own political party when the actual blame belongs. 

National Vote by mail will only help Special interest stay in power

Here is the truth about John Lewis voting rights which is HR 4.  It would nationalize vote by mail the problem with this it would eventually lead to one party rule.  Many states that have gone to a complete vote by mail have seen there policies go less to the common person.  Oregon was the 1st state to go complete vote by mail in the 1990's.  Oregon has not had a Republican governor since both US Senators are extremely left of center.  Last Republican US Senator was Gordon Smith who lost a special election in 1996 but won after Mark Hatfield decided to retire.  There have been some Republicans who have won statewide elections in 2018 Dennis Richardson won the election of Secretary of State which is the next person in charge if the Governor dies or resigns.  My home state of Washington started to do vote by mail this process started when a Secretary of State Ralph Munro a Liberal Republican suggested to county auditors should start allowing voters to vote by mail in the 1980's.  Sam Reed his successor really promoted by this idiot both are Republicans.  Current three term secretary of state Kim Wyman a Republican who actually testified against this bill recently.  Washington State counties one by one started to do vote by mail starting in 2005 then in 2008 most counties had voted by mail except in Pierce County where it took a bill by a state senator by the name of Craig Pridemore out of Clark County to close that county's polling places in 2011.  


The Anchorage Assembly voted 9-2 on September 28, 2016 the ordinance was signed by Ethan Berkowitz this was suppose to be in effect in 2017 but due to technicalities it was delayed til 2018.  The truth here is Anchorage Assembly was 9-2 before vote by mail.  This method kept that in place.  You could say that during Mayor Condon's term in Spokane and current mayor Nadine Woodward have a 6-1 progressive city council since 2011.  However every so often this method still does not change rural area elections.  Eagle River and Chugiak still have two conservative assembly people.  Most rural counties still are dominated by GOP lawmakers this even includes Eastern Washington's largest county Spokane even though it does have a Democrat district the 3rd legislative which has not elected a Republican since the late John Moyer served one term in the state senate from 1993-1997.  Which is why Spokane has a progressive city council.  Both of Eastern Washington's congress representatives are Republicans if we do not include my adopted hometown county of Kittitas, Chelan and the East Wenatchee part of Douglas County.  This flipped due to population trends in Issaquah, my hometown of Snoqualmie Valley and Auburn however the rest of the district voted for the Republican candidate due to the retirement of Dave Reichert in 2018 and 2020 election cycles.  This district was drawn to kept Dave in power.  In Anchorage in a recent run off election last month in May and along with the Save Anchorage movement.  Anchorage elected Dave Bronson a concerned citizen over an experienced politician by the name of Forrest Dunbar.  We need to end or stop national vote by mail as much as we can.  Vote by mail is Un-American it goes against people choosing their own people to elect them. Vote by mail benefits special interest not you.  Example look at Washington and Oregon you wonder why.  

Did the State Senate write in campaigns in Anchorage and Wasilla cause the reduction of the Alaska PFD


Last year in 2020 two Republican candidates Stephen Duplantis and Stephen Wright had decided to become crybabies and do write in campaigns instead endorsing the opponents of their incumbents.  


In SW Anchorage had Stephen endorsed Roselynn Cacy the real PFD Defender in that race.  Roselynn would had won that race would had been on the same page as Bill Wielechowski he would had an friend in his own party.  He is finding an unusual friend in Liz Snyder who voted for a full PFD she had to replace a real PFD Defender Gabrielle Ledoux who was defeated by David Nelson in a primary who may have a problem with reelection because Lyn Franks has filed again for his seat.  She is also a PFD defender will not vote with party like David Nelson has done.  

                              Roselynn Cacy


In Wasilla if Stephen Wright had endorse Thomas Lamb the Libertarian or Dan Mayfield this would have also given Bill another friend in the state senate to pass a statutory PFD.  


                            Dan Mayfield
                            Thomas Lamb

Imagine had this happened people would have a statutory PFD instead of having to pay a $3000 tax.  Thanks to the two Stephens who are causing you to pay a $3000 tax this year.  


 Thanks to the Stephen crying last year in their write in campaign they costed you $3000 this year.