Monday, April 24, 2023

Conservatives who ban books based on content have a dirty mind

 As a Library Technician graduate from Spokane Falls Community College.  Any one who challenges the content of a book usually has a dirty mind.  Conservatives who use their bible thumping way to say someone should not read a book have to read the content to object to a book in a public institution.  Libraries are meant to freedom of creativity.  Now days most people who use the library with the exception of school and college library use it for their assignments.  Public Libraries are mainly for the information poor who do not have a computer of their own or want to ability to hold a book in their hand and not own it.  Most people who have a computer have a library onto their computer through the internet now.  When these people object to content in a book they are denying the author the ability to express to the reader.  To those who want to censor a work just look in the mirror and think what is like to be censored by someone.  Not fun is it. 

Three National TV Talk Host got canned today at two major cable networks

 Today, April 24, 2023 two major cable network announced the departure of TV Opinion host today.

CNN termination of Don Lemon was due to inappropriate comments against women in newscast and created a bad environment for female workers.  Other news personalities like Matt Lauer and Bill O'Reilly have been dismissed from their positions due to similar behavior.  

Dan Bongino and Tucker Carlson contracts were terminated due to a settlement that Fox News did with Dominion voting systems for $787 million for telling inaccurate reporting on their system.  Tucker and Dan on their opinion shows had contributed to Fox News not accurately reporting how they count the votes in their newscast.  

Dan has a radio show on his own will do fine without making TV appearance plus Rush Limbaugh since the late 1990's avoiding doing regular television appearances had a very successfully mid afternoon radio program except on the West Coast where it was a morning radio program until his death on February 17, 2021.  His last radio program was actually on December 2020. Dan also currently has the same time slot.

Prediction is in six months Don will be on competing network or join News Nation with his former co worker Chris Cuomo.  Tucker will join his former co worker Eric Boling on Newsmax.  

We shall see what happens in October to these awesome host.  

The only GOP Candidate who can beat any Democrat in 2024


Tim Eyman is the only person who can defeat any Democrat in 2024.  Washington State GOP has not had a good candidate since 2012 when Rob McKenna ran for governor.  Running candidates who have no ability to win a statewide vote that could win a Seattle precinct.  What Washington state needs is a person like Tim Eyman.  He has successfully won statewide initiative campaigns since 1999 in lowering peoples car tabs to $30 per year.  This is with help of the Fagan family in Spokane {by the way Jack Fagan was my student political advisor while my brief time in the Spokane Falls Community College student senate which I spent only one quarter in the early 1990's.} Currently in Washington state, it is time to put a candidate who can actually win a statewide election ... and that is Tim Eyman.  Imagine  the state house and state senate in GOP control in 2025 pass $30 car tabs in the legislature and Governor Tim Eyman as Governor signs into law. Would the Supreme Court rule the $30 car tab unconstitutional if the legislature passed it? No way they would that the legislators were confused.  


Tim will slowly restore the destruction the Democrats caused since 2006 when they took over the state house and they have taken over the state senate in 2015 in a special election.  He will allow all special needs students to attend school where they live.  In 2007 the Washington state super majority house repealed the 1979 Small Rural Communities Special Education act which was written by my hometown late state representative Frances North an ERA Progressive Democrat went against her political party at the time.  



The current Attorney General have thrown attacks against him to protect big government


It is time for the Republican Party to nominate someone with statewide recognition.  Tim will ensure that government will spend within their means.  He will protect private property rights.  If Tim Eyman is one of the top two choice for the Washington Governor's Governor will the Democrats ignore Tim Eyman?