Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Jennifer Johnston thanks for voting against Drew Phoenix for Alaska Human Rights Commission

Yesterday, Tuesday May 16th, 2017 Jennifer Johnston voted against transgender activist Drew Phoenix for the Alaska State Human Rights commission due to his activities at the ACLU.  As you the ACLU is against giving liberty to individuals.  She has concerns him being transgendered activist could start to rule that prohibits people from practicing their religious liberties.  Like with his work with Identity would give special rights to benefit a group of people.  Thanks continuing to allow religious liberty.  
Nearly two years earlier she voted to allow Anchorage to have a gender identity ordinance which allows pedophiles to harm little boys and girls without being questioned.  It allows people to use the bathroom they identify with not the identity they born with.  You voted in 2015 to allow people to discriminate against Christians on September 2015.  Thanks for uphold personal liberty of people.  

Former Identity director Drew Phoenix rejects by Alaska State Legislature for Human Rights Commission

Yesterday, Tuesday, May 16th, 2017 fake male activist former Identity, Inc director Drew Phoenix was rejected by Alaska State Legislature for the Human Rights Commission.  The vote was 35 against his conformation and 24 for his conformation.  An hour before his conformation hearing to confirm this activist.  The legislatures received a barrage of emails from constituents which was helped by Jim Minnery the director of Alaska Family Action.  As you know if the people speak out sometimes lawmakers listen.  He feels that the legislature discriminated against him because of his status as a fake male in other words as a possible eunuch.  This fake male help convince 9 Anchorage Assembly member to allow legal discriminate against Christians and religious beliefs.  This fake female contributed to scare of genetic boys and girls the fear that those who feel they want to be the opposite gender without actually having the complete transition.  In other words allow the person who has the opposite gender to go into the bathroom of their choice versus what they actual birth biological bodies tell them.  This puts fear in genetic boys and girls who do not feel comfortable showering with someone who is not of their actual gender.  Example you two girls named Marie and Anna at about age 7 they are in a bathroom together.  Here is the Anna is actually born Andy.  However Marie who is the genetic girl asks her parents today.  She interested herself as Anna but I saw a Twinkie when every girl I know has a small hole their like me.  Her mom says Anna is not really like you.  She is actually a boy instead of a girl.  In fact she has what your older brother has a Twinkie with two walnuts below it that will have cream come out .  They end having the sex before the sex talk is necessary for child due to this conservation.  Mom has to explain the you have two straws going to two radishes on each side with a pear shape heading to your hole so you can children like I had youEventually you have those two melons in front of you just like your friends that juggle like mine so you can have babies suck on them like you guys did mine.  I did a G rated version of if you the X-Rated version of this you can go these two links here

On September 2015 his group Identity, Inc convinced 9 assembly members to adopt an ordinance that allows people to go into the bathroom they identify.  This has led to increase reports of fear in children in public places that someone will pretend to be transgender and actually harm them.  It also puts fear in children of the genetic sex.  This group does not care.  Kudos to Drew Phoenix for being rejected for a seat on the Human Rights Commission.  No discrimination here.  Your group took away the right of safety of piece of mine since 2015.  He should have thought of that before he decided to become the gender he is not.  The truth is he is always going to biologically female.  When he becomes a skeleton it will show his pelvis is female.  It may not be my business.  I do not know if he has a fake phallus or he has female reproductive organs of his birth or not again none of my business.