Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Anchorage Taxicab Owner flipped his permit with weeks after purchase

Anchorage Taxicab Permit no 80 was flipped after purchase within weeks after purchase.  Augusto Alvarado had purchased the permit from Rudolfo Robiana then weeks later when he was not able to lease the permit to a qualified operator.  Augusto had sold his permit to John Omweno who is now the current owner of Anchorage Taxicab Permit no 80.  This was approved unanimously by the Anchorage Transportation Commission on March 27, 2017 meeting.

Anchorage Cab Companies need to require two cabs to respond to a slim jim

Both Anchorage Cab Companies need to require 2 cabs to respond to a Slim Jim.  One cab does the slim jim the other cab for security.  This is in case the customer decides to do funny business versus actually wanting a slim jim.