Thursday, March 21, 2019

Forrest Dunbar some of your votes on the Anchorage Assembly are immoral to the people of Anchorage

Forrest Dunbar  you mentioned during the last Assembly meeting on March 19, 2019 that Governor Dunleavy's budget is immoral.  Some of  the votes you have done while on the Anchorage Assembly are immoral.  Raising property taxes on Anchorage property owners all the times is immoral.  Voted to increase the alcohol tax is immoral.  Voted to keep Nancy Burke as homeless coordinator is immoral.  Voting to scrap the Anchorage taxi regulations is immoral.  Your presence on the Anchorage Assembly is immoral.  You were elected to be a steward of peoples money.  There is a lot of fat in the Anchorage municipal budget need to reduce unnecessary services that are not needed.  Want assembly members who will support the Governors budget vote for Crystal Kennedy in Eagle River and Chugiak, Liz Vaquez in Sand Lake and Turnagain and Airport Heights, Midtown and Abbott Loop with Christine Hill.