Saturday, August 4, 2018

Want to resolve crime in East Anchorage elect a real leader to the state house

East Anchorage are you tired of high crime like I am.  Legislators who do not give there word.  Democrats we do not have Harry Crawford this year to vote for or any other Democrat that can beat Lance Pruitt.  I have not voted for Lance once since I moved back to East Anchorage.  East Anchorage here is a conservative who I am glad to toot my horn for his name is Don Jones.  Don Jones listens to the people of East Anchorage.  He will vote to repeal SB 91 and restore our PFD.  Lance Pruitt I have not trusted you once.  If you are the GOP nominee I will vote against you against even if the Democrat sucks.  You suck.  East Anchorage you have a winner in Don Jones.  We had a chance to make him assemblyman if he does not win hope he makes a strong showing to get Forrest scared.  I want Forrest scared.