Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Unaffordable Health Care will cause more unemployment in America

The Affordable Health Care Act really called the Unaffordable Health Care Act.  This is Hawaii type of health care reform throughout the nation.  Hawaii requires that you pay health insurance for jobs higher than 19 hours a week.  President Obama and the Democrats believe you should do this nationwide they passed it in 2010.  The nationwide health care law also has a welfare clause in it which if you make less than the poverty level it will be subsidized by the taxpayer.  This will continue to slow the economy.  Remember the liberal democrats want the recovery to be at the residential speed limit of 25 miles an hour and most American would rather have it been the German autobahn.  This law needs to scaled back   and replaced or gutted.  If an employer wants to keep a worker they will provide a health care coverage you can not mandate business and continue to kill small business.  Small business can not afford high premium health insurance.  They say this will reduce the deficit will do the opposite but the truth and socialism do not mix.

Please leave the Washington State Insurance Commissioner intact

Recently Randi Becker a state senator from Eatonville a great town near Northwest Trek a great park that should feature endangered Republicans and Democrats and should release the animals.  She has proposed with SB 6458 which would replace the Insurance commissioner with a 10 member board especially with dictator Inslee at the helm of sinking SS Washington State.  Ten names and unless two of those come from Eastern Washington have a bunch bureaucrat commissioners control Washington State health care decisions where a commissioner elected by the people is better for this state.  I remember two years ago when Governor Christie Gregiore wanted to replace the Superintendent of Public Instruction with a cabinet appointed people started virtually throwing marijuana bongs at the Governors Mansion and she caved in and withdrew the proposal the truth this blog was her problem.  Well miss Senator Randy Becker now you get the wrath of blog please for the sake of citizens withdraw this bill.  Just because Mike Kriedler supports Obamacare does not mean you eliminate his position.  Many conservative host like my friend Rick Rydell who has no competition in Spokane afternoon drive on KXLY thinks that Washington State has too many elected positions here is the truth more elected positions instead of appointed bureaucrats holds people accountable.  Insurance Commissioner Mike Kriedler answers to the voters not a bunch of bureaucrats.  Also Eastern Washington will get shafted in this bill unless we put in here that Eastern Washington like unconstitutional Growth Management passed by a GOP lead majority controlled former late state senator Jeanette Hayner had passed SB 2929 in 1990 which put two member in the Growth Management board which took effect in 1992.  Stuff like this should be done by an initiative not a legislative board that what I criticize Governor Christie Gregiore for too.  Please call the Washington State Legislature at (800) 562-6000 and State Senate tell them to vote against SB 6458 to keep accountable for the insurance industry to the people not a bunch of unelected bureaucrats.