Saturday, September 8, 2018

Could the Democrats take two of Arizona's US Senate seats

Arizona has had not elected a Democrat to the US Senate since 1994.  Since immigration is an important issue.  Democrats have targeted this state to get back representation.  This state has traditionally gone Republican.  This state does have a lot amount of Hispanics which would vote in a general election.  The last two presidential elections this state has been considered a swing state.  This year Kristen Sinema has a good chance of winning over Martha McSally if there is a blue wave in the 2018 election and in 2020 election a Democrat could emerge a winner.  Could Arizona as well as Montana decide whether the US Senate stays in Republican hands and continue the Trump agenda of continue to make this country again.  Arizona will decide that on November 6th, 2018

John Kyl will replace McCain's seat til 2021

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has appointed John McCain's former co worker in the Senate John Kyl to serve until a special election in the 2020 election cycle.  Congrats John for stepping to the plate.  Arizona could use your experience in the position.