Friday, June 24, 2022

Democrat leading states willing to continue to fund abortion by paying people to have an abortion

 Just because today June 24, 2022 the Supreme Court ruled that people do not have the right to an abortion.  Many Democrat states like my home state of Washington will still perform the procedure.  They will even use taxpayer funds to fund the procedure they can not do in a neighboring state like Idaho.  This is not right to the taxpayer living in the progressive state who does not agree with the procedure.  Many Democrats say that is reproductive right.  That is reproductive death not life.   Some of these states need regime change at the state house, state senate as well as their governor mansions.  My Washington and Oregon friends Roe vs Wade will still be the law of the law.  Many of these states had their own law before the 1973 decision.


 Very seldom does a president get to nominate no more than one supreme court justice.  Donald Trump got to nominate three justices.  I think that this a good day finally someone recognizes that babies before they are born are a life.  This blog like other conservative blogs in this nation has always believe that life begins the minute you become a tadpole out of your father's penis.  In a 6-3 with Justice Clearance Thomas writing the majority opinion which is interesting because the founding of Planned Parenthood Margret Sanger believed that blacks should be allowed to exist.  This is a great days for babies in the womb they have rights.