Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Have the Gates Foundation pay all the school districts that want Common Core not US Taxpayers

Starting this school year a lot of school district including Anchorage have adopted this Common Core idea.  This actually came from a lab inside the Microsoft Headquarters at One Microsoft Way in Redmond east of Seattle.  Bill Gates the chief and the major reason the Socialist Republic of Washington's education system is at the bottom of the apple core.  Since he has spent so much money making Common Core aka lets brain wash every American child to that common sense and conservative thinking is a bad way to think. Basically talking about putting RFID chips in school children not a bad idea however this should be done by parents that dissolve back into the skin do not harm child either and some parents do this to track their special needs child through a radio transmitter.  This is also a way to brand people kind of what Hitler did to the Jews during World War II without the nasty experiments. This is mind control this is what we accused the Soviets doing during the Cold War.  I guess we need to raise the next generation of liberals.  What if a child over 10 years of age refuses to have this RFID chip planted do they get denied admission into school if that is here is another article on home schooling I originally wrote on another site on April 3, 2010 put on this site in December 1, 2011 http://swensonfamilymember.blogspot.com/2011/12/my-brother-jim-marion-wants-to-give-his.html.  This gives the case for home schooling your children.  Let's didn't Hillary Clinton say it takes a village with Common Core it takes a bureaucracy to raise a child.  If school district want Common Core then go to Microsoft at One Microsoft Way in Redmond ask Bill Gates for the money not the taxpayer.  Sincerely the American taxpayer tired of paying for social program that don't work.  Just the reading, writing, math and real history to our school please. 

Could the Washington Post soon be an online newspaper only?

Recently Seattle mega businessman Jeff Bezos the CEO of Amazon with his own cash decided to recently purchase the Washington Post.  This paper is usually the first in the nation when it comes to breaking US Capitol News why not it is right there.  This paper really got famous in 1973 for breaking the Watergate scandal that eventually got Richard Nixon to resign on August 8, 1974 when the US Senate was about ready to vote on articles of impeachment.  Then Arizona senator mentioned to Richard Nixon that you should resign to protect the powers of the presidency.  When Jeff Bezos recently decided to buy the Washington Post he states he would have no authority over the content of what the newspaper printed.  As long as press is allowed to ask real questions and get the true story then management and ownership needs to bud out the day to day operations.  Now with Jeff Bezos the owner could he make the Washington Post accessible online only like the Hearst papers did 4 years ago to the Seattle PI which was Washington State's oldest newspaper at the time had published since 1863 at the time.  One of the things we talked about in the Library Technician classes at Spokane Falls Community College in the Early 1990's that information will be for those who could adapt to technology and those who are not in the know will no longer have access it to.  Days of reading an old fashion newspaper or a physical book will be history.  I do not believe this will ever be true.  Because people will always want to be comfortable with a good book and will also grab a newspaper go to their local coffee shop.  Could Washington, DC be one of the first metropolis not to have a newspaper available in the bin.  We shall see what Jeff Bezos plans are for Washington's most read newspaper in the city and usually the first newspaper on the scene for national coverage of White House and Congress events.

Portland has won most of the constitution high school competitions. Why it is still socialist not conservative?

Recently today I read in the Oregonian on September 3, 2013 that Portland high school since the constitution contest started back in 1988 has won more competition began.  Here is an interesting question then why do people under 40 which probably out numbers the other residents in the city still elect socialist and communist candidates to high elected office such as mayor and city council.  Portland has elected two socialist one currently named Charles Hales who believes that Portland needs a higher crime rate and the other is was Sam Adams who was gay we will forget that quirk he also refused to evict the Occupy Portland squatters in Downtown Portland with the city commissioners enjoyed keeping homeowners taxes and fees higher than usual.  He did bring two great shows to Portland.  One is called Portlandia which is what the city is really like and Grimm what Portland could become with too much socialist.  Since Portland Schools since 1988 have won more constitutional contest then why has the city not been more like Spokane and Anchorage which actually listen to their residents and really elect people who keep taxes and fees down.  Here is real reason the AARP and people over 40 vote more in election than the younger crowd.  This needs to change time to start voting young people of Portland you start voting you can change this city about 180 make it easier for taxpayers and jobs will come to Portland.  Think how would like to take businesses away from Communist Seattle to the north be the economic engine in the Pacific Northwest once again.  The last time that happened was before 1900. Those under 40 start voting starting in the next election.