Friday, April 27, 2012

Drugs should never be prescribed for Autism

As once an autistic child.  Drugs do not help the autistic child or may them function better they actually do the opposite.  They prevent the child from learning and keep the child stupid.  Later on the child has to become dependent of the government and be a burden of our taxpayer dollars.  The only drug that can help an autistic children is a parents love.  Let the child act out they actually will calm down by themselves.  Drugs do not help the behavior but love from a parent will.  Talk to the special needs child like a normal human being.  Do make the child feel special or more important.  Most of these children just want to fit in and be normal.  Focus on their talents and encourage that talent.  Then slowly introduce new things to do.  The way you confuse an autistic child is to constantly change things around them.  Most will either shut down when too confused or will not participate.  This will do the opposite of being a productive citizen.  Remember if the doctor says your autistic child should take a drug.  Tell the doctor no thanks just only give the child love a natural drug.  These children can function normally if given the right environment.