Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Lorena Gonzales will continue to put Seattle in an unsafe path as Seattle's Mayor

 Lorena does not believe that Seattle will be safer with more police office.  She wants to reduce them further and keep the city unsafe.  She also wants price jobs out of Seattle by taxing corporations who want to do business in Seattle.  This is why many business have left Seattle.  Many small businesses have left Seattle because of the lack of security and safety.  We need to bring the city back to the glory days you can do that by voting for Bruce Harrell for mayor. 

Seattle needs a real leader to the city back its glory days

 Back in the 1970's to the 1990's Seattle was a clean city that people could enjoy themselves.  Bruce has always represented what Seattle used to be like.  It is time we have someone who is committed to bring this city forward instead of dividing this community and refusing to address the public safety concerns.  Bruce will help bring back businesses in Downtown Seattle.  My maternal grandma Wanda Carter had lived in the city from 1976 to 1996 in the Green Lake neighborhood.  I remember a clean city with not much trash.  Law enforcement proud of doing their jobs instead of being trashed by local officials.  Bruce will also bring culture back to the city like the bands that have come from the city.  Bruce will represent all of Seattle not just the International district he comes from.  His previous experience on the Seattle is a plus.  He also endorsed by many powerful politicians within Western Washington.  Please Seattle want to return it back to the glory days you can do that with Bruce Harrell in the mayors office. 

Sawant does not need a friend on the Seattle City Council


Kshama Sawant does not need a friend on the city council.  Nakkita Oliver will provide that on the city council.  She will not vote in the city's interest instead will allow the current status quo.  She believes the homeless should be allow to camp where ever they want.  To prevent Seattle from becoming unlivable you need to vote for Sara Nelson for city council for position 9. 

Could the Anchorage Assembly propose a mask mandate in Anchorage

 If an Assembly member gets 7 of his friends on the Anchorage Assembly to impose a mask mandate it can not become law without mayor David Bronson's blessing.  Get ready to wear a mask all over town in Anchorage again

Will Anchorage Mayor eventually choose public safety over freedom of choice when it comes to mask mandate

 Will Dave Bronson eventually realize that public safety of its residents is more important than freedom of choice.  Soon he will realize that cases are climbing will soon propose a mask mandate on all city facilities. 
He should have a fireside chat at his home in Eagle River and explain what a mask mandate is needed at city facilities.  He could also mention if a person goes into a business insist someone wear a mask where it is not required then they are to fined for mask bullying.