Monday, April 9, 2018

Kodiak Borough Cosoildation bad idea

According to the April 8th, 2018 issue of the Anchorage Daily News.  Kodiak Borough Assembly and the City of Kodiak is considering consolidating operations by expanding the Kodiak City Limits to the whole borough.  This is a bad idea even though it would make for the largest city limits in geography due to the fact that Kodiak Island is one of the largest islands in the United States. As a resident of Anchorage for over 20 years now which consolidated with their borough in 1974.  Which this acts happened they did not envision 20 years later growing communities of Eagle River, Chugiak and Girdwood which get the shaft from the mother ship.  Imagine villages like Larsen Bay, Karluk and Ahkiok wanted to do something traditional but have to ask borough for permission because it is in the City of Kodiak not their city.  This is why back in 1995 most Spokane residents reject the county and city consolidation concept when it was proposed to them.  Kodiak residents please reject this idea because the villages need their own identity.  Consolidation does not allow that.