Saturday, September 7, 2019

Let's hope Anna finally gets justice from her attacker.

Anna Sattler has been waiting for justice since January 2001 when she raped by a musher named Carmen Perzechino, Jr who finished the Iditarod in 2004.  She escaped from her attacker  in van.  Recently the US Marshall service had arrested this piece of trash in the Philippines.  What this idiot did not know is that a commonwealth agreement was established in 1946 in exchange for military help in the future.  Filipino police would immediately surrender any fugitive of justice to American authorities once caught.  I hope that Anna will see justice in the future and this musher sees is a jail cell.

Anna has not let this event in her life in 2001 define her.  She has been an advocate for Alaskan Native Traditions and had a TV show called Anna's Alaska.  She is currently the community liaison for Alaska Native Village Cooperative which provides cost efficient electricity to the Alaska Bush.