Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hey Barack Obama, State Department and United Nations lets the Israelis take care of Syria

Hey President Barack Obama, Treasonist Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasonist Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.  Just send a drone take pictures with stealth bomber technology then hand the pictures over to Benjamin Netanyahu he will bring this to the Israeli Defense Force but then this is too simple for you, John McCain and Lindsey Graham to understand.  This is what American's want they do not want troops otherwise this will be your Iraq and Afghanistan or are in interested in contributing to World War III with Israel vs Egypt and Syria which will become United States vs Russia have another cold war.  Putin has already talked about attacking Saudi Arabia which has been our ally by refusing to fund radical Muslim even though that is the birthplace of Muslim at Mecca in Western Saudi Arabia in 632.  It is also the birthplace of most of the 9/11/2001 hijackers and Osama Bin Laden you got both of them.  We also have American Jihadist in this country we need to round up put in Guatanamo Bay until they the war on terror is over with.