Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Les Schwab Tires Anchorage, Eagle River and Peters Creek needs a location

 Here is a picture of a Les Schwab location I took in North Bend when I was back their in December 2012.

Hey Les Schwab last month in December I was Juneau and noticed you had a location near the airport their. There are plenty of locations in Anchorage you can have up to five locations with Anchorage city one of Anchorage's East side.  Numerous locations from the Dimond area to the Midtown area.  You can also have a location in Eagle River and in the Peters Creek area near Chugiak.  Plus Johnson Tire Service needs real competition so tire prices can be more competitive here in Alaska and you have been known to donate to local causes and provide quality service and I believe free beef to their customers.  You will have success in Alaska since your brand name is well known in the Pacific Northwest and you have been very helpful in my hometown of North Bend.