Monday, August 6, 2018

Defender of the Alaska Swamp

Many special interest group like public employee unions, Great Alaska Schools, AFL-CIO now they have hired Jeff Landfield to defend the swamp.  He has gotten candidates to run against people who will hold people accountable as candidates.  He supports the Bowtie in an assembly race.  Made false statements about a candidate's daughter.  Jeff Landfield pretends to be a Republican.  Do not be fooled he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Republican be aware of the Swamp defender. 

Eagle River you need to stay bold in the State Senate

Lora Reinbold has been a bold conservative leader in the house.  She listens and refuses to vote for bloated budgets.  She is the bureaucrats nightmare.  Keep the bureaucrats on their toes because Lora will continue to call out crazy spending.  She will be in good company with Shower and Wilson.  She will repeal SB 91 and fight to get the money back to you stolen in the last couple of years.  Vote for Lora Reinbold on August 21st