Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Time to investigate the Clinton Foundation

I understand this foundation was set up with the best intentions. Philanthropy is the best way to give away money people have donate to your cause.  Here is the real question we need to investigate donation to this foundation between 2000 to 2008 if you donate to Hillary Clinton senatorial campaign and donate to foundation do you get special access.  Did foreign countries who contributed to this foundation get special favors such as way for Secretary of State Clinton to make decisions in favor of your nation even if against American interest from 2009-2012.  Then investigate donor to Hillary Clinton for president and donors to this foundation do they get special access to the candidate.  Imagine if Hillary Clinton wins the White House want to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom donate to the Clinton Foundation.  Does anyone remember the White House coffees in 1990's donate to the Democrat National Committee you get to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom.  I hear Bill Clinton may turn that in the First Brothel. 

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