Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Washington State DSHS needs to be out of the group home business

For over 20 years I have heard of many complaints of Washington State's monster agency known as DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services).  The problem is that for years no governors since late 1970's have attempted to tackle this agency head on.  The late Dixie Lee Ray a Democrat who was defeated in a primary in 1980 by crazy Jim against America McDermott who political career was finished by a volcano.  We know in the next four years dictator Jay Inslee will not address because he likes status quo.  This is where our heroes in the State Senate for the next two years comes in.  Recently a month ago a read a story in the Seattle Times about some autistic twins born in 1949 the year my Uncle Bob was born.  This agency through its contracted group homes over medicated these twins to make them more stupider then they were before.  Here is my article on why autistic people should not be medicated https://swensonfamilymember.blogspot.com/2012/04/drugs-should-never-be-perscribed-for.html  I wrote this article in April 2012.  We need to support Auburn State Senator Pam Roach to strip this agency.  Many non profit organization will gladly run these group homes which need to given to the counties to be administered.  Let's think about Spokane where they are a lot of group homes where local control would work great.  Many religious and other non profits like the Casey Family Program, Salvation Army, Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Social Service and ARC of Spokane will gladly take care of disabled with very little tax money and no bloated bureaucrat mismanagement that these autistic twins got.  We could have also saved the Powell boys who died in February 2012 when they father decided to kill his boys and set the house in Pierce County on fire.  Admitting his guilt to the murder of his wife Susan Powell.  Had my mother actually handed me over in a Rainer School parking lot in 1978 instead of getting ready to then put me back in the car we changed rural Special Education law in the State of Washington with the 1979 Washington State legislature.  In 1978 Snoqualmie Valley School known as the Upper Snoqualmie Valley School District was forced to admit special needs students thanks to my mother's advocacy and a court order by the King County Superior Court.  I was denied admission in 1977.  I may have started to act stupid and probably been not known by my family except through visitations.  I am blogger who can blow the whistle on this monster agency known as DSHS which I have done since 1992.  Please tell your state senator that you want this monster agency DSHS no longer overseeing group homes period. 

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