Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Meth can make you look older than your age and make you do stupid stuff

Usually I am Libertarian when it comes to drugs.  I believe that if you do drugs in your own home and do not harm others then you should have the right do them in your own home.  However,  when your addiction starts to affect other people.  I currently have a nephew who is awaiting trial that I need to give the uncle nephew tough live talk to and an small older brother who is involved with meth.  For one a meth house is disguisting and the only to get rid of this smell is to destroy the item.  You imagine combined with mental illness here in Alaska we have another problem call Symthetic Marijuana also call Spice which can make you do crazy things.  I have a friend who's child committed suicide because he has now way out of a situation.  This stuff can also make look older than you are.  Imagine being 20 years old and look like your folks it makes you look older than you are so does smoking cigarettes excessively.  Imagine seeing some of my classmate on this crazy drugs thinking are you really in your 40's but you look like my dad who is in his 60's.  Come my friends.  Please stay off the meth unless you want to be six feet under or in an urn or make you want to live in 7 by 7 cell funded by the taxpayer.  Look like tales from tails from the Crypt.  Come stay of the meth

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