Thursday, May 16, 2013

Portland Transit customers taken for a ride while managers get the gravy

It seems that objective of TriMet is to serve the public of the Portland Metropolitan area.  However the managers of TriMet have been pigs at the troth of the Portland area taxpayers.  The fares are the highest in the nation.  For 575 miles of track the adult Portland area passenger pays $100 a month.  For a low income worker or the average worker who can not afford or to pay the high taxes of the Metro Portland Government to drive on the streets.  I guess TriMet in Portland is kind of the Washington State Ferry System which is main reason why Washington State must toll roads to put more money in a ferry boat.  When you have high fares but have less of a product reduce service.  Have you ever though that maybe if reduce your administration give more money to drivers.  Give employees the option to shop for health care and benefits by looking at the least price options layoff 50 off your managers.  Neil McFairlane who has been eating the most expensive stake he likes well done at Sizzler how about if the Oregon Metropolitan council was to reduce your salary to 100K which is not what you are worth.  You know many Occupy Portland demonstrations have targeted corporations when maybe they should Occupy TriMet bus stage a protest or sense Portland is know to be weird ride naked.  I say when you ride TriMet put 50 percent of the ride.  You get enough people doing that.  You actually might have to lower your monthly pass from $100 to $50.  Next time you renew your monthly pay the cashier $50 say monthly pass please.  They refuse tell them I am only paying $50.  After last week they could not even pay afford the light bill to Portland General Electric causing a disruption of service.  Come on wake up stop being weird demand you lower the Monthly pass to $50.  Quit being an embarrassment.  You are causing Oregon taxpayers to pay low income and public assistance programs more money out of their budget.  Let's find some money out of a couch cushion reduce some fares quit squeezing fares out of innocent Portlanders because they are fed up.  Thank you my friends at KOIN Local 6 this blog will continue to added when I find more info on their investigation of TriMet gravy.

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