Monday, March 30, 2015

Hey Alaskans tired of switching your clocks back and forward

Hey Alaskans tired of switching your clocks back and forth.  Please call your legislatures and support Senator Anna Fairclough MacKinnon's Daylight Savings bill.  Here is an idea have most of Alaska not switch.  Since Alaska is in two time zones.  In the summertime all of Alaska can be in one time zone.  Then in the summertime the Aleutians would fall forward and SE Alaska could fall backwards then in SE Alaska they call fall forwards to be inline with the Pacific Northwest.  The Pacific Time used to include SE Alaska until the 1970's.  Aleutians would only change their clocks in the summertime to be inline with the state.  They would not be inline with the rest of Alaska.  You would create three time zones.  One would be call the Aleutian area only springs forward not back.  Then most of the state would not do the practice.  SE Alaska would continue to spring forward and fall back.  This would work.  Now we know the business community and sports fans do not like it either.  Well what if Washington and Oregon also decided quit the practice which their are bills in both legislatures right now to all terminate the practice.  Then this two argument would be squashed because Portland, Spokane and Seattle no longer practiced it then it would still be only one hour ahead unless in SE Alaska then the same time half the year.  Then the shocker what if California decide to no longer practice this either.  What if Rand Paul or Ted Cruz became president and in his first hundred days the first executive order was to stop the practice of daylight savings time nationwide.  Every state would choose what zone they want to be in.  Better yet eliminate these time zone that were created at the turn of the century at the time when railroad was king and airplanes were still in the baby stages.  Automobile was in its tweeny stages.  Time Zones started about the 1910's.  Call your legislature and tell them to support Eagle River State Senator Anna Fairclough MacKinnon's bill Get rid of daylight savings time bill.  The Anchorage 12th man support this legislation.

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