Thursday, November 26, 2015

Obama administration is incorrect in its reading of Title 9

Recently the Obama administration through its education department has order school districts across the country that transgender students across the country should be able to change in the gender they identify with not what they are born with.  This can lead to legalized rape and pediophila among school children and adults that supervise them.  This also puts a competitive disadvantage to other teams.  Obamacare has made it so taxpayers in states like Oregon can pay for a child to transition into the other sex.  First of all if your genitals are male you are male.  They need to except that fact.  If they want to be in the bathroom like the other sex then have a sex change operation make the genitals look like that first.  Why should genetic females have to ask especially if they are young why does Ava's genitals look like their brother's not like there's.  School district should require that you use the restroom you are born with period.  We need to reverse this ruling even if it means the school district no longer take federal funds to stand for morality in public education. 

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