Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hey Lisa Murkowski I am back in the US Senate race again

Yesterday, September 6, 2016  it was announced that Joe Miller a two time failed US Senate candidate would become the Libertarian Party candidate after Cean Stevens had withdrew from race.  Gary Johnson the presidential candidate is at 25 percent of the vote in the polls in Alaska, Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.  All three major presidential candidates are in a dead heat in Montana and Virginia.  Hillary Clinton is in 3rd place in Wyoming, Alaska and Idaho which is what her husband got in 1992.  He is leading in many rural Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon counties and rural Idaho and Montana counties.  He defeated Lisa in a primary in 2010.  He was defeated in a write in campaign which was orchestrated by the Alaska Democrat Party.  Let's make Alaska great again elect Joe Miller for US Senate.  Let's show America that Alaska can elect a great person to the US Senate.  This blog endorsed Cean Stevens now will endorse Joe Miller just like it did in 2010 under a different name.  Now can we get Sarah Palin on board. 

1 comment:

  1. what a refreshing thought,HOPE for Alaska in Washington D.C.Bring it on HOME JOE!!
