Monday, September 24, 2018

Democrats have solicited bimbos to testify that Kavanaugh abused them

Here is the truth about the bimbos who think that Kavanaugh harmed them.  When you have a statue off limitations in most places where this happened.  Some women are just trying to get their moment of fame and recognition.  They are afraid this justice will make it better for them in society on the court.  The truth is supporting abortion is supporting reproductive death.  They feels it is the right for a woman to kill a child inside their body when it has a voice too.  They still want to make eugenics legal.  This is a discrimination against special needs people.  A baby is a blessing if you made a mistake then carry it out to term.  Universal Health Care you can not make someone have health insurance.  The unaffordable care act is why health insurance and health care cost have risen to perform procedures.  We need to eliminate the minimum wage this has cause the rise in prices of goods and services.  I remember when a price of a candy bar was 50 cents not you are lucky to pay less than $1.50 for a candy bar.  Wage increase, Price increase.  Labor is the major cost of a product to go to market.  Labor unions should be voluntary reason to have a job.  Labor unions are why people pay higher taxes.  We need Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the court.  Common sense needs to come back to America.  Please stop listening to the leftist media.  Demand they vote on Kavanaugh.  Stop listening to the bimbos who answer classified ads places in papers from the Democrat party. 

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