Sunday, May 19, 2019

David Eastman speaks for those who are not able to have a voice in Alaska

David Eastman is the only legislator in Alaska that speaks for children inside the womb.  Recently he has proposed HB 178 which will prevent abortions in the state of Alaska unless life of the mother is threatened.  Remember the child should have a voice too.  Just because they are not physically born does not mean it has a say.  It is interesting that most Democrats fell a refuge or an illegal alien should have rights when it comes to a developing child in the womb they feel they should not have the same rights.  I have an idea want to continue to have abortion legal then allow immigrants to go through the same process as what you are proposing for a developing fetus.  Please protect the developing child by telling your legislator to support HB 178. 


  1. I agree with you, the baby inside the womb should have some rights of being born, if it doesn't endanger the mother's life. Father's should have some rights to see their child as well born and brought into this world. It should not be a one way street of the mother's right to terminate the child's life.

  2. We need a bill to make marriage between a man and a woman, the only Alaskan legal marriage, for the benefit of our children, and for the benefit of our moral character!
