Saturday, May 25, 2019

Washington Governor Jay Inslee should win the Democrat nomination for President

Here is why Washington State Governor Jay Inslee should win the Democrat nominee for President.  I have over 30 years of stuff on this man since he was first elected in the 14th legislative district in the state house in 1988 in Yakima.  He is also the easiest for Donald Trump to be in reelection since he has accomplished nothing as six years as Governor of Washington State.  Everything that happened in the past year is to help him in  his run to the white house.  The reason he has not be able to do anything the past six years.  The Republicans have controlled the State Senate the past six years.  A 1934 State Supreme Court ruling prohibits Washington State from enacting any additional new taxes without a public vote and the constant presence of Tim Eyman.  He has been running on a new green agenda which he has not be able to implement in his own state.  Raising the minimum wage was done by initiative as well as gun control.  As far as suing the Trump administration that has been done by the Attorney General and wannabe Governor Bob Ferguson.  Jay Inslee as president will be a do nothing president if elected.  Please consider Jay Inslee for the Democrat nomination for President

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