Saturday, September 14, 2019

Plastic Bag will be an official outlaw in Anchorage starting September 15th

September 15th, 2019 Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz who just came back from eating Japanese food from Japan.  He took an absent East Anchorage Assembly member Forrest Dunbar and his sidekick Chris Constant who was invited on the trip because if he was in town he may delay this arrest ordered by the mayor.  Chief Justin Doll has order the arrest of this plastic criminal.  Customers will have to pay a maximum 50 cents per transaction which is 10 cents a bag up to 50 cents to be provided a paper bags unless you provide your Quest card to a participating retailer then the taxpayers will pay your tax for you.  Low income families will have to pay the tax at places like Kohl's and at home improvement store.  

I predict many low income people will be frustrated that in order to save 50 cents to have a paper bag you will have to provide your Quest to the cashier to not pay the bag fee.  

The merchants can not keep the money they collect themselves they donate the proceeds to a charity that benefit the homeless or the local food bank.  This is a back door way of making sure these non profits like Beans Cafe keep receiving government funds.  

We need to elect common sense representatives to the assembly or gather enough signatures to put a vote of the people and let public decide of the plastic bag should continue to be banned.  

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