Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We need to send all American Jihadist to Camp Delta at Guatanamo Bay

Since our Anti-American White House administration and the Socialist morons Democrats who want terrorist to be tried in American Courts.  Here is a better idea let's sentence all American Jihadist to Guatanamo Bay.  We can start with Dzhokhar Tsarnev the Boston Bombing suspect.  Every American who is convicted of treason and does a terrorist act should immediately be stripped of their citizenship upon convicted sentenced to the American Jihadist Inn this would be the new name for Camp Delta at Guatanamo Bay.  They they can also have our Jihadist come to Michigan and Vermont or since last time they had a vote on this issue Senator Carl Levin and Vermont Pat Leahy voted to close Guatanamo Bay bring the American Jihadist in to run Detroit or have Ben and Jerry's be the American Jihadist Inn.  Their is a reason Michigan has declined since the 2002 when John Engler was Governor of Michigan and Vermont is New Yorkers go after New York is tired of them.  You could rename that state New York's Garbage. 

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