Friday, September 26, 2014

This land is our land not the US Forest Service

Here is a picture of Mt Si near North Bend it is in a national forest.  Would I get fined for this picture because I took it in North Bend in 2012.  When I read this from a friend of mine from Spokane's Facebook page this morning.  I could not believe it.  Fining people for taking pictures of scenery.  Who gave this bureaucracy called the United States Forest Services the authority to fine people who take pictures of scenery.  This land is my land not the US Forest Service.  Mentioning that a picture been taken can harm the fragile echo system.  Maybe you should like my favorite radio host from Spokane have a gun on that camera so when you take a picture of some awesome scenery you also get dinner at the same time.  I will take some bear, deer, elk and moose with that picture please.  Environmentalist need to get their nose out of forest planning process.  Their thinking is why we have more wildfires each year.  Before the Clinton administration the forest used to sell logging permits to logging companies if they felt an area needed to be logged and sometimes would do controlled burns to keep the forest looking healthy.  Now ever since the environmentalist have controlled the Forest Service agenda it has lead to unbalanced echo system and increased wildfires as nature tries to weed the good growth from the bad growth. 

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